April 28, 2021 – April 30, 2021
Ultimate Valorant Showdown👑
• We’re all fed up of being knocked against the higher Elo players, with a greater rank disparity. Being matched against the Radiants/Immortals in the first match of the tournament just adds to the misery.
Here’s our solution to the problem,
• Double Elimination Format
Every team gets 2 chances to redeem themselves. It is the format we’ve all been waiting for to play in.
• The entry fee remains to be ₹250/team, and the tournament has been decided initially for a 2k of prize pool.
• Ps- we’re expecting about a minimum of 8 teams, and we plan to increase the prize pool even further as we get more teams onboard.
• The tournament is planned to be live streamed on our official YouTube channel.
• The Scorestreax Gaming Community values your time and is committed to provide you a seamless yet exhilarating experience.
• A form link will be followed soon to register your interest for the tournament.
• Contact:- 9687205427, 7016479259, for any queries/issues
Registration closed
1st Place —— 1250 INR
2nd Place —— 750 INR
3rd Place ——- 250 INR
Battle Pass to the MVP